Further, You can take help from the predesigned template and can save you from the irritation of doing hard work. You can create a printable receipt in Microsoft Word.

You may also see Service Receipt Template. This document is proof of the transaction you made for a purchased item from the seller. If you are not an expert in drafting a document, you can simply use a blank document from the website and fill in the details as per your requirement. There is a list of official receipt documents which you can download free of cost. It’s proof of payment for your goods or services. This document issues from the seller against the cost of goods and services to the buyer. This is proof for a transaction once the payment has been made. The businessman should keep it with them for any tax and accounting issues. The official receipt is a document you got against any payment for the item purchased or sold. Further, they are proof of transaction of payment from the seller to the buyer against an item. You should keep your official transactions with care and there is no argument about it. Moreover, when it comes to mange and running your business you should keep your enterprise organized, particularly your transaction documents. The Official Receipt template is a document that is used by the organization for tax and accounting purposes.